Juan Francisco Manzano and his “The Autobiography of a Slave” (Cuba 1835/1840): The Impact in Europe


  • Thomas BREMER University of Halle-Wittemberg (Germany)


Cuba, Caribbean, slavery, literature


The nineteenth century Cuban text, which once had the largest impact in Europe, is probably „Autobiography of a slave” by Juan Francisco Manzano. This is a text written in Cuba in 1835, first published in England in 1840 and printed in Cuba itself not before 1937 by José Luciano Franco. The article develops the ideas from various perspectives and in various constellations, i.e. in the form of a kaleidoscope.


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<li>Franco, José Luciano, (1937), ―Juan Francisco Manzano, el poeta esclavo y su tiempo‖. En: Manzano, Juan Francisco, Autobiografía, Cartas y Versos. Edición de José Luciano Franco, La Habana, pp. 9-32.
<li>Friol, Roberto, (1977), Suite para Juan Francisco Manzano, Arte y Literatura, La Habana.
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<li>Madden, Richard Robert, (1840), Poems by a Slave in the Island of Cuba, Recently Liber-ated, translated from the Spanish by R. R. Madden / With the history of the early life of the negro poet, written by himself; to which are prefixed two pieces descriptive of Cuban slavery and the slave-traffic, by R.R.M. London, Thomas Ward, reimpreso en: Mullen, Edward J. (1981), The Life and Poems of a Cuban Slave, Juan Francisco Manzano, 1797-1854, Archon Books, Hamden, Conn.
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