And the Preto-Velho Speaks German: Transnational Spirits and the Religious Field in Germany


  • Joana BAHIA Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro


religion field in Germany, Brazilian migration, transnationalization of the Afro-Brazilian religions, umbanda, candomblé, new geography of the transcendence


The German religious field has undergone great transformations through the migratory flow in the 1960s of Turks, Africans, other Arabic populations, and most recently from the 1970s and the 1980s with the migration of Cubans and Brazilians. Among the religions that have been featuring in Germany for the last ten years, are Kardecist centers, Umbanda and Candomblé temples, and Santo-Daime, all founded by Brazilians in Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and other German cities. There is also the presence of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God and others evangelical denominations. This work is based on bibliographic survey, statistical material produced by the Ministery of Foreign Affairs and interviews fromthe leaders of some of these religious denominations. I analyse especially the Afro-Brazilian religions, the way they adapt culturally in the German context producing hibridisms and syncretisms, the reviving European pagan practices and how we can think about identity constructions as a result of this process.


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