Latin American 19th Century Economic Debate as the Predecessor of the Centre-Periphery and Dependency Theories: The Case of Argentina


  • Dominika WOŹNIAK University of Warsaw, Poland


dependency, nationalism, capitalism, free trade, critique


Latin American economic thought is known for its contribution of cepalismo and dependencia. These trends were supposed to help the region achieve prosperity in an independent way by breaking off the bonds of economic dependency. Latin America had been struggling against the domination of Spain and Portugal and after gaining independence, against new colonial empires, particularly Great Britain, looking for new spheres of influence. Even though this order was profitable for many of 19th century Latin American elite’s representatives, many were searching a path to economic independence, demonstrating their nationalist and protectionist view on economy. The main objective of this paper is to study the connection between the 19th century trends in Latin American economic ideas and famous ideas of the 20th century cepalistas and dependentistas, which will be considered in the broader context of 19th century – an axial time not only for capitalist development, but also for its critique.


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