Patrimony of Nordestine Migration: Cordel Literature in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, Bra-zil
São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, heritage, cordel literature, migrationsAbstract
TThe migrations of Northeastern people form new cultural territories in Brazil and reinvent their heritage, using allegories and symbols, and combining their various meanings given over time by innumerable “(re)invention” questions. The new cultural territories formed from the insertion of social subjects in metropolitan cities such as São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are making their marks and trajectories, whether in the neighborhoods or in the territories they adapt to their representations and cultural expressions. In these migratory processes, we perceive meanings and other aspects produced by an "image" of the Northeastern, allegorically represented in concepts and preconceptions throughout the generations of these migrants. Thus, it is possible to understand, from the mechanisms of this creation and representation, the diversified identifications that corroborate the understanding of what is the cultural territory and identities, especially permeated by the idea of regionalization, criticized by the condensation already posed in the history of the Northeast and what it represents. As a methodology, the paper utilizes discourses produced by historical subjects, through Oral History, the various experiences that can delimit and define the reinventions and re-significances of cordel literature together with their suit as a national intangible heritage. From the territories and their images in the cities, the paper tries to apprehend their legitimacy and maintenance, both with reference to popular imagination, and in the nooks and crannies of the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, protagonists of these meanings of the migrant cordel heritage.
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