Between Ethnography and Oral History: An Ethnobiographic Empirical Proposal


  • Maria Cristina DADALTO Federal University at Espírito Santo (Brazil)
  • Patrícia PEREIRA PAVESI Federal University of Espírito Santo (Brazil)


Ethnobiography, life's history, ethnography, human mobility, circularity


This article presents a possibility of discussion and negotiation in the production process and writing in the research about human mobility using multidisciplinary perspective and associating two research methods: life history and ethnography. It proposes to expand the discussion and gives new rhythms and tonalities to interdisciplinary investigations in the human mobility phenomenon. As a reference of empirical systematization of the research process started with a Brazilian migrant who left very young for Japan, attempt to return to Brazil twice, and finally, after 15 years, returned definitely after experiencing the trauma from the earthquake and tsunami that occurred in 2011.

Author Biographies

Maria Cristina DADALTO, Federal University at Espírito Santo (Brazil)

PhD in History, Graduate Program in the Social Sciences, Social Sciences Department

Patrícia PEREIRA PAVESI, Federal University of Espírito Santo (Brazil)

Graduate Program in the Social Sciences, Social Sciences Department


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