The Subjective Dimension in the Health / Illness / Attention Process: Reflections Involving a Haitian Rural Community
Haiti, therapeutic pathway, placebo /nocebo, vodou, structural violenceAbstract
The symbolic dimension of the health/illness/care is present in the representation of illnesses differently in each social group In this representation, the etiological conceptualization and healing strategies can include a multiplicity of knowledge, which guide the patient's therapeutic path. The explanatory model used by the community of Kaydesa, Haiti, reveals a series of symbols and cultural constructions involved in affliction and illness, which highlights the influence of psychosocial perspectives in this process. This article sheds light on the subjective aspect of the health /illness /care process and, from this perspective, reflect theoretical propositions on the placebo and nocebo action mediated by the vodou culture, as well as the position of official medicine in relation to these concepts in the local socio-economic context. Conclusion: from the reflections it is possible to recognize the connection between the placebo and nocebo effect in the health /disease /care process and to identify the influence of structural violence in the public health area in Kaydesa, which manifests itself interfering in the representation of diseases and in the health practices of local residents.
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