The constitution of the “I” in interviews with Italian descendants in Brazil: Time and space as memory and identity traces



descendants of Italians, immigration in Brazil, discourse, memory, identity, oral hist´ory


In contemporary Brazilian society, the Italian presence linked to the various periods of migration is still very strong today. Assuming that narratives of Italian descendants can be a privileged access channel to this presence, the aim of this article is to analyze what they say about Italy and to be “Italians” those who are Italian by origin, but Brazilians by birth and which type of representations they connect to the memory of their family past. The corpus analyzed here consists of five interviews lasting between 20 and 50 minutes each. It is a sample that allows us to start reflections and recognize recurrences and was selected from the material of a larger project, which brings together reports, narratives and testimonies about various aspects of the life histories of Italian descendants in Brazil. The interviews were recorded following the methodological approach of Oral History and the qualitative and exploratory analysis uses the theories of enunciation as a reference and focuses, in particular, on the observation of how the “I” is constituted in its relationship with the categories of time and space.

Author Biographies

Elisabetta Santoro, University of São Paulo

She has a degree in Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures at Università degli Studi di Bari, Italy (German / English) and in Translation at Ruprecht-Karls Universität de Heidelberg, Germany (German / Italian / Portuguese). Master and PhD were completed at the University of São Paulo (USP), where she has been a professor in ​​Italian Language and Literature since 2003. Her main research interests are: second language acquisition, learning and teaching of Italian L2, pragmatics, discursive semiotics and relations between Italy and Brazil. On these topics, she published articles and essays. She is a president of the Brazilian Association of Teachers of Italian (ABPI) and member of the board of the corresponding international association (AIPI). She is also member of different others scientific associations of the area. She coordinates the research groups “(Inter)linguistic, cross-cultural and intercultural Pragmatics” (GPP) and “Language, Identity and Memory: Italian of the Italians of Brazil” (GLIM) and is researcher at LEER (Laboratory of Studies on Ethnicity, Racism and Discrimination at the University of São Paulo).

Giliola Maggio, University of São Paulo

She is a Professor and researcher in the Department of Italian Language and Literature at the University of São Paulo. She has a PhD in Human Geography from Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, University of São Paulo, having researched and written a thesis on the language and environment of the Italian immigrant community of Pedrinhas Paulista, a city in the state of São Paulo, in Brazil. She is currently committed to studying the spoken Italian language in the State of São Paulo, with emphasis on studies on memory and inherited language and identity. She also dedicates to studying the pedagogics of Italian language teaching. She coordinates  of the Research Group “Language, Identity and Memory: Italian of the Italians of Brazil” (GLIM), of the Study Group on Heritage Language in Brazil (GELHE) and researcher at LEER (Laboratory of Studies on Ethnicity, Racism and Discrimination at the University of São Paulo).


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