Democracy in dispute: Women and feminists in the process of transition to democracy in Chile



women’s social movement, democratic transition, democracy, feminists, Chile


In this article, an approach is made to the role of women and feminists in the process of transition to democracy that began to take shape during the eighties in Chile, based on the analysis of the demands and proposals that they elaborated. Thus, in first place, we characterize the discourse and actions that the civic-military dictatorship directed towards women (1973-1989) and then we describe how women reacted to them. Subsequently, we analyses the main demands that women and feminists built throughout the eighties, with a special emphasis on the experience of the Concertación de Mujeres por la Democracia. After this exercise, it is concluded that the great contribution of the social movement of women to the process of change of political regime was the positioning of a new definition of democracy, which evidenced the fissures of the Chilean transitional process.


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