Health care for international migrants in São Paulo, Brazil: Access and universality in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic
Covid-19, migrants, health professional, primary health care, public health systemAbstract
People in situations of forced migration may be particularly vulnerable to Covid-19. Considering that Brazil remains on the South-South migration, this qualitative research, focused on São Paulo city, sought to understand the health care service for international immigrants during the pandemics. Between 2020 and 2021 ethnographic observation was conducted in the Primary Health Care “Sé” and interviews with ten health professionals, in addition to information from collectives on migration and health. Access was a guaranteed right in the Primary Health Care used by migrants of various nationalities. The professional practice evidenced strategies to deal with this population. The migrants' lack of knowledge about the functioning of the health system highlighted limitations to care. During the pandemic, the presence of migrants in the unit continued and the everyday life of the service’s actors was changed, with an increase in the workload, sickness, and exacerbation of the structural vulnerability of migrants. The mobilizations of civil society with public services and organizations that receive migrants allow the construction of paths for health care.
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