Arandu Eté and the art of storytelling: threats and resistance


  • Katia Zephiro
  • Aloísio Jorge Jesus Monteiro
  • Lais Amanda Ribeiro Pimentel


peoples, orality, memory, history, narrating art


This article has two fundamental inspirations: the text “The narrator” by Walter Benjamin and the cosmology of traditional peoples and communities, especially that of indigenous peoples, which has as one of its pillars orality or oral transmission as the main tools of knowledge transmission. Our objective is making a theoretical reflection about the concepts of memory and history, mobilizing the perspective of the “brushed against the grain history”, also by Walter Benjamin, to shed light on the necessary refoundation of the way we tell Brazilian history, which delegitimizes and hides the voices and perspectives of oppressed peoples and groups. Finally, we reinforce the defense of the art of narrating, in view of the risk offered by the advancement of new information and communication technologies, which takes from us the beauty of the present time, the affective exchange of looks and gestures, fundamental in this ancestral form of communication.


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