Promoting linguistic vitality of the Makushi and Wapishana languages in Roraima (Brazil) in actions for reversing language shift


  • Paulo Jeferson Pilar Araújo


vitality, Makushi, Wapishana, reversing language shift


The Macuxi and Wapixana languages are the most well-known indigenous languages in the state of Roraima, among Taurepang, Yanomami, etc. They are co-official languages in the municipalities of Bonfim and Cantá. Despite this, both languages are considered in danger of extinction. This paper examines the particular case of these two Brazilian indigenous languages, taking as a starting point the actions already implemented that aim at revitalizing and maintaining them. Radio programs that were produced for spreading their use and learning of those languages are taken as a case study. These actions are considered while discussing points related to the possibility or not of a reverse language shift process which affects those two languages. Some reflections end the discussion with a non-exhaustive list of complementary actions that focus on the vitality of these languages more than the factors that put them in danger.


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