Naturalization patterns and social mobility strategies: political representation among immigrant elites in southern Brazil during the Second Reign.



Germans, English, 19th century, naturalizations, consuls


This work explores the possible political participation of immigrants during the Second Reign, as well as their possible patterns of social mobility, in the city of Rio Grande, in the extreme south of Rio Grande do Sul. The city of Rio Grande was, and still is, the main port in the extreme south of Brazil. The immigrants studied were the Germans and the English, who dominated port trade in a city with a strong Portuguese presence. As large and medium traders, Germans and English, formed what we consider groups of immigrant elites. We assume that political participation strategies can be considered forms of social mobility among immigrants, and we evaluate in this article the possible patterns of political participation of the groups studied, especially the cases of naturalization of foreigners who worked in large commerce and possible changes in naturalization patterns with the proximity of the Brazilian Republic. Finally, we also highlight their positions as consular representatives in the region, with a marked connection between consular agents and large companies established in the city.


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