A Brazilian saint and her photographic records. From the secluded room to the electronic public profile



Catholic popular saint, Holy Anorexia, Saint Lôla, popular canonisation


This article explores some of the meanings of the photographic records of a popular Brazilian saint, Floripes Dornelas de Jesus (1913-1999), or Lôla as she is known to her devotees in a small rural town. Between her seclusion in a bedroom, a national news report and publicity on an electronic social network, the image of this saint has been fixed within the parameters that official Catholicism produces of what its saints should be and look like. The photographs circulated by the Church and the devotees evoke purity and sanctity. They refer to a controlled female body, purified by pain, stubborn ascetic refusal, modesty and imitation of the Virgin and the saints. But there are deviations in the photographs that make the saints human, too human. Our hypothesis is that this too-human, inseparable from the figure of the saint, remains a hidden otherness. Throughout the research, which took place between 2019 and 2023, we followed the tradition of field research. We collected photographic reproductions from the archives of the National Library Foundation, the public electronic profile, the archives of devotees and religious material. The popular canonisation (which has taken place) and the official canonisation (which is underway) have created an image of this anorexic Brazilian saint purged of deviation, but the excess of humanity can be found under the cloak of the official image.


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