The Authoritarianism and Militarism in the Consolidation of the State of Venezuela


  • Katarzyna KRZYWICKA Universidad Maria Curie-Skłodowska en Lublin, Polonia


Venezuela, national state, centralism, federalism, authoritariannism, armed forces, state administration, legislation


The present article analyzes factors which had influence on the formation and consolidation of the national state in Venezuela in the first half of the 20th century. The purpose of the analysis is to demonstrate the importance and longlasting influence of the historical conditions existing in the course of formation of the state on its future development, viewing this problem from the perspective of the changes which have been taking place in Venezuela in the 21st century. The author reflects upon the thesis according to which the process of centralization of power and the use of authoritarian instruments for executing it are historically conditioned and, since the consummation of the independence, they have become an element of dispute over the distribution of power within the frames of two concepts of the federal state – decentralized and centralized, but in practice authoritarian. In order to analyze the process of consolidation of the national state, the author refers to the texts of seven fundamental laws established during the regime of General Juan Vicente Gómez, which were based, on the one hand, on the principles of federalism and, on the other hand, they served to centralize the state. The author's considerations will be focused on the following conditions: the formation of the national armed forces, the centralization of the state administration organs, the development of the legislation and the economic growth based on the exploitation of crude oil.


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