Call for Papers / Issue No. 35 (June 2025)

Important information for Authors: to register a new account on the journal's online platform, please contact the Editorial Team at

Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review

Trajectories of women in authoritarian regimes in Latin America (19th, 20th and 21st centuries)

Guest editors: Andréa Cristina de Barros Queiroz (UFRJ), Izabel Pimentel da Silva (UERJ-FFP)

Since the last decades of the 20th century, contemporary historiography, after prioritizing large structures and long-lasting phenomena for a long time, has been privileging the relationships between individuals and History, based on research that values the trajectories and histories of life and how they express the possibilities of a time, a society, a generation. These new historiographical approaches, linked to an interdisciplinary field, configure what Beatriz Sarlo classified as a subjective turn, which rescued the importance of historical subjects and individual experiences and claimed the subjective dimension in the history of the present time (SARLO, 2007, p. 18).

In addition to new approaches, contemporary historiography was also characterized by the emergence of new sources, such as letters, diaries, autobiographies, testimonies, testimonial literature, and by the valorization of subjects who had been marginalized and made invisible in historical research for many years. In this sense, women's history and debates about gender gained strength in historical studies.

For Michelle Perrot, the legitimization and institutionalization of women's history from the 1970s onwards were associated not only with renewals in the field of History, but also with the increasingly prominent presence of women in university spaces and the strength and development of feminist movements ( PERROT, 2019, p. 19-20).

The consolidation of Oral History as a privileged methodology in the history of the present time also contributed to the development of research on women, based on their voices, their experiences, their subjectivities, their traumas. The 20th century, in particular, was characterized by several traumatic events, such as the two world wars, the Holocaust, Latin American dictatorships, apartheid in South Africa, among many others.

The increase in new academic research on gender and the growth of study centers focused on this theme, since the beginning of the 1990s in the country, signaled a significant potential demand for publication spaces with specialized magazines and/or thematic dossiers focused on History and in the trajectories of women.

We therefore wish to bring together a set of texts that address these issues in different ways and fall within this field of reflection. In this sense, analyzes that consider the trajectories of women, in the countryside and in cities, during authoritarian regimes in Latin America throughout the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries are welcome, highlighting the memories of political, ethnic-racial and gender violence ; the multiple forms of resistance by women during authoritarian regimes; stories of political prisoners and women's prisons; the trajectories of so-called “ordinary women” who resisted authoritarian regimes without having participated in political organizations; traumas related to gender issues and Oral History of women.

Bibliographical references

PERROT, M. (2019). Minha história das mulheres. Contexto.
SARLO, B. (2007). Tempo passado: cultura da memória e guinada subjetiva. Companhia das Letras.

The articles must be written in Spanish, Portuguese or English. We strongly advise authors to write in their mother tongue, if it is one of the journal’s official languages. The full versions of the manuscripts to be submitted to the external evaluation process, must be submitted by the authors anonymously into the Open Journal System (OJS) of Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review before April 30, 2025.

For this purpose, the authors should contact the Editorial Team at in order to be registered in the online system and gain access to their account.

The Editorial Team of Revista del CESLA will be in charge of communicating to the authors the results of the evaluations, as well as of sending them the comments of the external experts.

Important Dates and Deadlines:

Reception of articles proposals: until April 30, 2025.

Response and comments of the evaluators: before May 30, 2025.

Delivery of corrected versions of accepted articles (if necessary): June 15, 2025.

Publication of Volume: June 30, 2025.