Ethical Principles

Editors of the Revista del CESLA ensure that ethical standards of their journal are main­tained and take all possible steps against any non-com­pliance with them. Papers submitted for publication in the REVISTA del CESLA are evaluated for accu­racy, compliance with ethical standards and usefulness for science.

The following guidelines are based on COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.


Responsibilities of Authors

Authorship of work

Authorship should be limited to those who ha­ve contributed significantly to the idea, design or preparation of the paper, or to the analysis of re­search. All persons who participated in the paper preparation should be listed as its co-authors. Other persons who influenced some im­portant aspects of a scholarly paper should be listed or shown as collaborators. The author should ensure that all co-authors are listed in the paper, have seen and approved the final ver­sion of the paper and agreed to its sub­mission for publication.

Disclosure and conflict of interest

The author should disclose all project funding sour­ces in his/her paper, the contribution of research institutions, associations and other entities and any major conflicts of interest that may affect the results or analysis of research.

Standards for presenting research reports

The author of a text based on his/her own re­search should provide a detailed list of the tasks performed and objectively discuss their signi­fi­cance. The data used for the preparation of the paper should be carefully presented. A paper should include enough details and sour­ces to allow for the research to be rep­li­ca­ted. False or knowingly inaccurate state­ments are regarded as unethical behavior and are pro­hi­bited.

Access to data and data maintenance

The author should provide raw data on the pa­per submitted for review or be ready to allow access to such data upon request. He/she should also keep the data for five years following the date of publication.

Multiple, redundant or competitive publications

As a rule, the author should not publish mate­rials describing the same research in more than one journal or original publication. Submitting the same paper to more than one journal at the same time is an unethical behaviour and is pro­hi­bited.

Confirmation of sources

The author should cite publications that have had an impact on the paper submitted and has to confirm each use of other authors’ works.

Fundamental errors in published works

If the author discovers a fundamental error or inaccuracy in his/her paper, he/she is required to notify the editorial secretary as soon as possible.

Originality and plagiarism

By submitting an article to Revista del CESLA, the author confirms that it is an original work. He/she should make su­re that the names of the authors cited in his/ her paper, parts of papers, and/or cited works have been cited or mentioned correctly therein.


The author, sending his article, certifies his author­ship. Ghostwriting/guest authorship are manifest­ta­tions of scientific misconduct and any de­tec­ted ca­ses will be revealed, including noti­fica­tion of the entities concerned. Ma­ni­festations of scien­tific misconduct, especially violations and brea­ches of ethical guidelines applicable in science, will be documented by the Editors of Revista del CESLA.

Author's rights

The Journal is published in the OAS. 

All the contents of the electronic edition are distributed under a license


Responsibilities of the Editorial Board

Publication decisions

Editor-in-Chief must comply with the existing law on defamation, infringement of copyright and plagiarism and is responsible for the deci­sions on which submitted articles should be pub­lished. He/she may consult thematic editors and/or reviewers.


No information about a paper submitted may be disclosed to any member of the editorial team other than – in accordance with the publishing procedure – its author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers or the publisher.


Insofar as anti-discrimination is concerned, the Editors respect the Constitution and the laws applicable in the Republic of Poland.

Disclosure and conflict of interest

Unpublished papers or their parts may not be used in research conducted by the editorial team or reviewers without the express written consent of the author.


Reviewers’ responsibilities

Editorial decisions

The reviewers support the Editor-in-Chief in taking editorial decisions and may also assist the author in improving his/her work.


Each selected reviewer who cannot review the paper or knows that rapid preparation of a re­view will not be possible should inform the Editor Assistant.

Objectivity standards

Reviews should be objective. Personal criticism of the author is deemed inappropriate. Revie­wers should clearly express their views, sup­por­ting them with appropriate arguments.


All reviewed papers must be treated as confi­den­tial documents. They may not be showed to or discussed with persons other than the autho­rized editorial secretary.


All reviews are anonymous and the Editorial Board does not make authors’ personal data available to reviewers.

Disclosure and conflict of interest

Confidential information or ideas that emerge as a result of the review must be kept confi­den­tial and may not be used for personal benefit. Reviewers should not review works involving a conflict of interest due to the relationship with the author, company or institution con­nec­ted with the work.

Confirmation of sources

Reviewers should identify publications not re­ferred to by the author of the paper. Any claim that an observation, source or argument has been previously discussed should be supported by an appropriate quotation. The reviewer should also inform the editorial secretary of any significant similarity, partial overlapping of the content of the reviewed paper with any other published work that is known to the re­vie­wer or of suspected plagiarism.

Copyright Notice

Revista del CESLA. International  Latin American Studies Review is an Open Access journal; which means that it is free for full and immediate access, reading, search, download, distribution, and reuse in any medium in accordance with any applicable copyright legislation, without prior permission from the copyright holder (University of Warsaw) or the author; provided the original work and publication source are properly cited (Issue number, year, pages and DOI if applicable) and any changes to the original are clearly indicated.

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