The Quality of Democracy and Responsiveness after the Democratization: Politics of the Public Security in the Local Governments in Mexico


  • Shigeru MINOWA Universidad Sofía, Japón


Mexico, quality of democracy, public safety, responsiveness, local politics


This contribution is an analysis of public security policies as well as the responsiveness of local governments after the process of democratization in Mexico, from the evaluation of cases of Mexico City, the State of Jalisco and the State of Nuevo Leon in the framework of the first governments after the political transition. The analysis of the amount, content and result of the policies, which were created and implemented by the local governments, demonstrates that the responsiveness of the government of Mexico City after the transition has been low on the one hand, and the responsiveness of the government of the State of Jalisco and of the State of Nuevo Leon had been relatively high for a certain period of time on the other. This result indicates that the transition to democracy, which introduces the same political system into each local government, doesn’t guarantee a generalized improvement of the responsiveness.


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