Immigrant identities in artistic and literary creation: the case of Tomasz Łychowski

Identidades imigrantes na criação artística e literária: o caso de Tomasz Łychowski



identity, migration, art, Brazil, Tomasz Łychowski


The objective of the article is to present the process of identity construction of Tomasz Łychowski, a post-war immigrant in Brazil, a refugee from nazism and communism, based on the analysis of his artistic works (literary creation and painting) and his biography. Tomasz Łychowski is an Angolan-Polish-German, naturalized Brazilian, who arrived in Brazil as a child accompanying his parents - DPs (German mother, an activist of the Polish anti-Nazi opposition movement, and Polish father – a soldier of the Clandestine Polish State Army, AK, linked to the anti-communist Polish government in exile in London). Distancing himself from the model of “identity suffering” typical of most first-generation immigrants, Tomasz Łychowski gratefully accepts his Brazilian destination and takes full advantage of the great richness of his multicultural, multi-ethnic and multi-identity background, searching for his own private universe (closely linked to his religious conversion and official Catholic affiliation assumed as an adult), with his various identities not opposing each other, but complementing and mutually enriching each other.


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