Impacts of Modernity: The Excluded from the Progress


  • Luiz Eduardo CATTA Universidad Estatal del Oeste de Paraná


city, border, poverty, survival, violence


The city of Foz do Iguaçu, located in the far west of the state of Paraná, went through a rapid process of transformations between the year of 1964 and 1992. The military governments, in the search to include the remote area into national territory and exercise absolute control over the so called Tri-Border Area (Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina), imposed a series of modernity projects, among which the construction of the hydroelectric power plant of Itaipu, the opening and encouragement of intense commerce at the Paraguayan border, and the support of the development of tourism. Such projects caused significant impacts on the municipality, principally in the urban zone which was remodeled according to a primarily technical approach and disregarding the local population. The modernization also attracted thousands of people in search of jobs and better quality of life in the area. The present study aims to show the disorder established in Foz de Iguaçu, and particularly the worrying situation of a significant poor population that, adopting innumerous survival strategies, has occupied the central parts of the city while being considered a “dangerous class” by the dominant local social classes.


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