Los afrodescendientes de América Latina y el Caribe y el reto de encontrar espacios políticos


  • María ZIELINA California State University, Monterey Bay ( Estados Unidos)

Palabras clave:

afrodescendientes, afrocubanos, Cuba, conflictos raciales


The title of this essay reflects the challenges that Afro-des-cendents still confront within the hegemonic national discourse of ―nations without racial conflicts‖. The response to this hegemonic discourse has been the launching of numerous Afro-descendents‘ associations across Latin America. One of these socie-ties is Cofradía de la Negritud in Cuba. In this work, first, we will establish the con-nection between the objectives sought by the Cofradia actual members of the Co-fradía, and those sought by the Afro-Cuban leaders through the now non-existent So-ciedades de Color Second, we will examine the vulnerability of both associations produced by their political objectives: to fight against racism and racial discrimina-tion. Third, we will compare the objectives sought by other Afro-descendents‘ asso-ciations such as AFRODES (Colombia), Jovenes Afro-descendientes de América del Sur, and the Cofradia itself with those proposed within cultural and scientific projects conducted through casas and fundaciones in Cuba.


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