Bolsonarism: What's in a Name?


  • Michele Diana Luz Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Palabras clave:

Populism, Nationalism, Discourse, Brazil, Latin-America


Adopting the discursive notion of populism, derived mainly from the works of Ernesto Laclau, the article explores the construction of identities in the discourse of the Brazilian far-right, which has former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro as its main representative. Arguing that Bolsonaro’s supporters (the people of Bolsonarism) are grounded in an articulation of meanings that, despite the nationalist tone, is constructed in a populist manner, the article demonstrates how these meanings relate to historical frameworks and permeate social relations at different levels, restoring old political and cultural traditions to create antagonisms that, in turn, result in a highly fragmented political identity of the people, condensed in the signifier of the “good citizen”. By pointing out the relevance of observing the cultural and historical elements of each case, the article sheds light on the role played by the mobilisation of negative affects in the processes of identification and construction of the people.


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