Art, Culture and Innovations: A Shift in Urban Engineering? Public Policies in Bogota and Medellin and the Development of Local Communities


  • Karolina WERETA University of Warsaw, Poland


art, urban culture, creativity, innovations, community development, Bogota, Medellin


The article is a part of a broader discussion about municipal development strategies based on culture and innovativeness. It analyzes the potential and constraints of the approach, indicating conditions favorable for its effectiveness. To exploit the phenomena the author uses the examples of two Colombian cities, Bogota and Medellin. Over last two decades they have been an area of huge transformation. Thanks to adapted policies, it was possible to convert their image from brutal gang-war zones to vibrating metropolis aiming at peaceful social coexistence and infrastructural investments. The chosen cases serve as a background of synthetic description of developmental strategies based on culture and innovativeness. The analysis presents factors that are advantageous for their successful implementation. It also offers several points of critics, outlining some practical, social and institutional challenges that cities willing to adapt similar solutions may come across with.


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