Spirituality and ecology within the phenomenological realm of secularity



spirituality, ecological thought, ecological epistemologies, secularity, New Age


This article is based on theoretical analysis and empirical material gathered by means of socio-anthropological research. The aim is to present some reflections on the relations between ecology, spirituality and secularity as three intricate aspects of modern thought. First, the methodological contribution of the article is questioning the aprioristic association between New Age and spirituality. Later, there is an analysis of ecological thought and spirituality, addressing the broader context of secularity understood as immanent frame of experience. Finally, the article proposes some possible directions to the study of spirituality and ecology without the methodological pitfalls disentangled alongside the text. 

Biografia do Autor

Luz Gonçalves Brito, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil

Luz Gonçalves Brito studied Languages and Social Sciences. Master of Arts of Social Anthropology. PhD candidate in Social Anthropology (PPGAS-UFRGS) with a scholarship from CAPES. She published the book "O véu do congá: sobre três aspectos do conhecimento umbandista" (2019) regarding an African-Brazilian religion called Umbanda.


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