El desarrollo alternativo versus alternativas al desarrollo desde América Latina: Introducción


Biografia do Autor

Agata Hummel, Universidad de Varsovia

Dr Agata Hummel is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Warsaw. Her theoretical interests are particularly anthropology of development, economic anthropology, post-development and degrowth perspective. She is interested in social movements, rurality and public policies. From 2002 she has done fieldwork in Mexico on different subjects: ethnicity, local economy, social movements and development projects. Recently she has started her research in Peru and Bolivia.

Bogumiła Lisocka-Jaegermann, Universidad de Varsovia

Dr hab. Bogumiła Lisocka-Jaegermann is an Associate Professor at the Center of American Studies, University of Warsaw. She has worked within the field of Latin American Studies with particular interest in cultural and development geography and cultural studies. She is interested in critical development discourse and territorial aspects of post development practices. She has done fieldwork in several Latin American countries such as Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia,  Ecuador and Argentina, mainly concerning cultural and social aspects of local ‘development’.

